IgG/Glycoprotein Quantitation Standards copy

The use of internal standards is the accepted strategy to facilitate quantitation via MS. The closer the chemical properties of the internal standard to its analyte, the better it compensates for the various sources of error, and thus the most desirable internal standard is typically an isotopically labeled version of the analyte itself. Consequently, the optimal internal standard for a glycoprotein is a labeled glycoprotein.  This led GlycoScientific to develop monoclonal antibodies with a range of labeled moieties, which can be added directly to the sample prior to processing and thus overcoming systematic errors associated with parallel sample handling. 

Current Products:


A mouse IgG2b monoclonal antibody whose glycans are labeled with 15N.  This material serves as an excellent standard for glycan quantitation. 



A human monoclonal IgG1 with 15N4 and 13C6 labeled Arginine and
15N2 and 13C6 labeled Lysine developed for use as an internal standard for the quantitation of monoclonal antibodies and Fc-fusion proteins.



A human monoclonal IgG1 with 15N  labeled glycans developed for use as an internal standard for the quantitation of the glycans attached to human monoclonal antibodies, Fc-fusion proteins, and for general quantitative glycomics.



A human monoclonal IgG1 with 15N4 and 13C6 labeled Arginine and
15N2,  13C6 labeled Lysine  and 15N labeled glycans developed for use as an internal standard for the quantitation of both the peptide and glycan portions of human monoclonal antibodies, Fc-fusion proteins.



The "light" version of the same human monoclonal IgG1 in the UmAb1-P, -G, and -GP series.


 Background information on isotopically labeled quantitation standards.